Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Octopus Paul Predicts Spain The World Cup 2010 Champions

Octopus Paul Predicts Spain The World Cup 2010 Champions. Latest news, before we was discuss about paul octopus predicts world cup final, but we not see or watch the news directly, only rumors from many people. Now, this is the real news, octopus paul the oracle predicts and pick Spain will win against Holland or Netherlands, spanish win the world cup 2010.

From this prediction, let's read again what was i post before (Netherlands Vs Spain Prediction), there we can see the record holland and spain match. Spain win against holland 4 times and holland win against spain 4 times to, but the score is so different.

Octopus Paul Predicts Spain The World Cup 2010 Champions

Octopus Paul Predicts Spain The World Cup 2010 Champions

Well predicts is just predicts, can true and can wrong. Will Spain become the champions on world cup 2010?, if yes that mean their first winning on fifa world cup. Let's see...

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