Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Indonesia Java International Destination

Indonesia Java International Destination Indonesia Java International Destination. Java is one of big and famous island on Indonesia, many people go to java. Many beautiful place there, solo, jakarta, bandung, surabaya, yogjakarta, etc. Yogjakarta have many nice place to visit, one of them is parangtritis beach. Natural and really beautiful, parangtritis is one of the famous place to travel on jogyakarta. Parangtritis has unique scenery that is not in the other tourist attractions besides the big waves are also the mountain - the frequency dunes around the coast, these dunes called Gumuk. This tourism object is managed by the local government of Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities as well as souvenir markets offering typical South '. In addition there is bathhouse called wedang knife in the bath water is said to cure various diseases including skin diseases, water from the bath containing sulfur from the mountain at these locations.

There are myths on the beach where the royal Parangtritis Queen of the South Sea since the first have the relationship with the Sultan and family of Hamengkubuwono.

Indonesia Java International Destination

Parangtritis Beach...


Located approximately 25 kilometers south of Yogyakarta city, exactly in the district of Bantul

This tourism object is managed by the local government of Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities as well as souvenir markets offering typical South '. In addition there is bathhouse called wedang knife in the bath water is said to cure various diseases including skin diseases, water from the bath containing sulfur from the mountian at these locations. This beach has beautiful scenery, although there is sometimes a wave big enough.

Indonesia Travel Destination

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