Rabu, 24 November 2010

U.S. Will Help South Korea

U.S. Will Help South Korea - Daily News, The Pentagon said that the acting in the defense sector, the United States (U.S.) and South Korea (ROK) have agreed on Tuesday, November 23, to coordinate actions in response to North Korea (North Korea) who carried out the attack to an island owned by South Korea.
U.S. states its readiness to help South Korea to confront North Korea's provocation of neighboring states.

"In a telephone connection, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-Young that the shooting is conducted by North Korea is a strong violation of the agreement between North Korea and South Korea for a truce. Gates also praised the attitude of South Korea to refrain from provocation North Korea carried out, "said the U.S. Information Minister Geoff Morrell.

"The U.S. and South Korea have agreed to consult and coordinate closely to respond to aggressive actions from the North," continued Morrell told AFP on Wednesday (24/11/2010).

U.S. State Department earlier on Tuesday, November 23, promised Washington would take steps necessary to respond integrated artillery attack North Korea.

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