Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Video Red Or Blood Rain In India

Red Or Blood Rain In India. Daily News, lot of people talked about red or blood rain in India now, the question now how it's can?, is it real?. I am still looking for the answer about this news, if it's true i think we can't just give our opinion without the truth. Blood rain?, i think it's impossible if use our brain to check it.

It's called blood rain because the color is red, similar like blood's color. How it's can happen in India?, let's wait the expert to answer this. Several years ago, there is a black rain in Japan, it's happen after nuclear bomb fell on hiroshima nagasaki. I found a video about this blood rain in India, let's check it.

Red Or Blood Rain In India Photos (illustration)

Video Red Or Blood Rain In India

Red Or Blood Rain In India Video

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