Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Video Ariel KD (krisdayanti) ?

Video Ariel KD (Krisdayanti) ?. Again news of the ariel, this time the circulation of rumors about the video ariel and Krisdayanti, or more familiarly called kd. Like the previous videos, the video ariel and bcl, we then trace the truth of this news. But we did not find what was said by the community. Kd or Krisdayanti herself confirmed that she wanted to see the video what people said.

"KD when I tell her, she just laughed. Instead, she want to see, where's the video that people said looked like her. If she say so, should not her," said spokeswoman of krisdayanti,,,

Video Ariel KD (krisdayanti) ?

Video Ariel KD (krisdayanti) ?

From KD's confirmation, of course you can judge by yourself. Although KD name was mentioned as one of 32 existing artist names beautiful video with ariel, but we must seek the truth and not just give of the opinion without know what is the truth.

We urge, if you have videos that are similar to ariel with luna maya or video ariel and cut tari and the other, do not spread it anymore, let's stop a this case.

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